Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, October 21, 2010

4th Posting: 10 Things You Should Never to Say to a pPROMer

People have actually said some of these things to me.  Others are purely fictional.  All would annoy the heck out of a pPROMer.  Not listed in any type of order.

1.  "You're huge!"

2.  "How much are you leaking?" (You've all learned from my last post this is a no-no.) Another variation of the question, "Describe how you're leaking."

3.  "What's for supper?"

4.  "I know how you feel." (unless you are going through pPROM yourself.)

5.  "It is soooo nice outside today!"

6.  "My life is harder than yours right now."

7.  "You have such a LONG WAY to go!"

8.  "Boy, do you need a dye job!"

9.  "Go get me a beer."

10.  "I sure wish I could lay around all day."

Have any more to add?  Love to see it in the comments section!


  1. "We're all in the same boat" from those who aren't

  2. "If that happened to us, we'd just terminate". Yes, someone actually said that to me. My brother!

  3. When I was 28 weeks pregnant I ended up in L & D. The doctor asked to see my pad so I left it in the bathroom. A midwife came in a little later and I told her where the pad was. She said "yes I saw the pas. Why did the doctor want to see it? Does she think your waters have broken?" I found myself in a fit of giggles saying "I wish" it took a while for me to explain the situation to the confused midwife who hadn't read my notes. I guess normally women aren't so happy at the idea of their waters breaking so early but for me 28 weeks sounded fabulous com pated to 21!

  4. when you are in hospital long term and the nurse says 'oh its cold outside, your better off in here!!!'

    or when people say they cant be bothered going shopping or to work, i would love to be able to do that!!

    ruth xxx
