Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, November 1, 2010

9th Posting: On the Road to Recovery

I know when I was pregnant (a couple of days ago), I always wondered what recovery would be like after a C-section and being on bedrest for so long.  That's why I'm writing this post today.  Keep you pPROMing moms informed as well as those who are simply curious.

I have to say, the transition is weird.  After weeks and weeks of, "Sit down" now they're telling you, "You should walk!"  How does it feel?  Well, it's tough!  Right now the biggest pain is the C-section.  The most pain resides in the lower sides of my abdomen.  I am on pain killers, but every day it does get a little better.

I also tire super easily and it hits me hard.  After taking a trip to the NICU, I need to rest.  Even though I'm escorted there in a wheelchair and all I do is stand for awhile, that's enough to poop me out.

There is a lovely sense of freedom however.  This morning I woke up and putted around the room a bit.  It felt so good no to worry about causing a leak.  I stood by the window and enjoyed the view with no guilt.  A nurse walked in and I didn't feel like I was doing anything wrong!  Trying hard not to push myself though.  Want to get better as soon as possible!

I'm excited to go home--that's tomorrow.  Haven't been there in over a month.  It's kind of bittersweet though.  When I had Luke inside me, I felt I had some control over his life.  Once I leave this building tomorrow, it's like I'm handing over the keys to the doctors and nurses.  They're now calling the shots.  Still, I have three little girls at home who are missing their mommy terribly and I can't wait to be a part of their lives again.

It's going to be a long road.  We're still living day by day.  Still enjoying the fact that I get to know our son and make memories with him.

A rare shot of me introducing Kim to her grandson.
Grandpa Dave and Kim visiting with their 13th grandchild.
The girls meeting their brother for the first time on Halloween!


  1. So glad your on the road to recovery Kristin, sounds like it's quite the transition, I'm sure any amount of walking is good though - keep it up! :)

    Love the Pics - The one of your girls entranced with their new brother just made me cry - how sweet!

  2. Wow you look good, are you sure you just had a baby? :-)

  3. So happy for the girls that they got to meet their baby brother, beautiful moment, and you look great as well. Keep up the good work.

  4. thanks for the compliments gals.
